Sport minister applauds collaboration of professional and amateur boxing boards


Talking boxing perhaps? Director of Sport Neil kumar (right) makes a point to president of the GBBC, Peter Abdool, and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony

Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony has lauded the collaborative efforts of the Guyana Boxing Board of Control (GBBC) and the Guyana Amateur Boxing Association (GABA) to promote the sport of boxing, and noted that those efforts have resulted in the further development and promotion of the fistic art.

The two boxing authorities have been teaming up to promote a monthly boxing event dubbed ‘Fight Night Guyana ProAm’, which has seen more than a hundred bouts since its debut card in February 2010.

The event is also televised live on the National Communication Network’s Channel 11, and this has helped to revive public interest in the pugilistic sport.

Guyana was considered a force to be reckoned with in the glory days of Guyana’s first world champion, Andrew ‘Six Head’ Lewis, and former world champions ‘Vicious’ Vivian Harris and Wayne ‘Big Truck’ Braithwaite.

Speaking at the GBBC’s first-ever Awards Ceremony, which was held at the Georgetown Club on Friday evening, February 19th, Dr Anthony said that the ceremony alone speaks about the direction in which the sport is headed once again.

“I am very pleased to note that, while we may have ebbed a bit, from tonight’s presentation, you can say that boxing is once again climbing; and I am sure that we have not peaked as yet.” Dr Anthony said that credit must be attributed to the GBBC and GABA for their hard work in trying to revive boxing in Guyana.

The minister further stated that a number of professional and amateur fights were promoted last year. He noted also that such fights have been televised locally, while efforts have also been made to have fights televised internationally.

“So we are going places, and we are being recognised.” The GBBC also launched its website, www.guyana, at the awards ceremony, and Minister Anthony expressed his satisfaction with that decision.

“Through that portal, I think that the world would be able to see the wonderful work that we are doing here in Guyana.” Dr Anthony further noted that there needs to be a continuum for the professional sport to move from strength to strength, and he emphasised the critical role that the amateur boxers play in that regard.

He said that government has been assisting amateur boxing by presenting equipment to gyms.

“We were able to distribute a lot of boxing gloves, a lot of boxing boots, and other things that were necessary tools for our boxers. Gyms all over Guyana were beneficiaries of this equipment.” Dr Anthony also said that government has helped with the development of personnel, including boxing officials.

Meanwhile, at a glitzy ceremony, 2010 Sports woman of-the-Year, Shondell Alfred, received the Female- Boxer-of-the-Year award.

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